How much do unbilled meetings & emails cost?

The time you and your team spend doing free work for clients - even just the time spent in meetings and on emails - is probably costing you thousands of dollars a year. Use our handy calculator to see just how much!

How big is your team?
What's your average billable rate?

Time is money

Businesses leak over 735 hours a year in billable time on average because they aren’t automatically capturing the time they spend on emails, meetings, and client work.

Time is money
Meetings, on average, eat up a third of our week

Meetings, on average, eat up a third of our week

A study by Verizon found your average professional spends 62 hours a month in meetings; over 14 hours a week. A study by Accelo found that less than half of respondents reliably track the time spent in client meetings, effectively working for free.

Email uses a lot of time - but how much money?

A McKinsey study found the average professional spends 13 hours a week reading and writing emails. A study by Accelo found that less than a third of people always or often track the time they spend on client emails!

Email uses a lot of time - but how much money?



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